The Adventure of Becoming Who I Am
Daniel Taylor said, “Freedom is useless if we don’t exercise it as character making choices.”
We are free to change stories by which we live. Because we are genuine characters, and not mere puppets, we can choose our defining stories. We can do so because we actively participate in the creation of our stories. We are co-authors as well as characters. Few things are as encouraging as the realization that things can be different and that we have a role in making them so.
Galatians 5:16 (MSG)
My counsel is this: live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit. Then you won’t feed the compulsions of selfishness.
You are never more a man (or woman) than when you embrace an adventure beyond your control, or when you walk into a battle you aren’t sure of winning.
We should see every adventure of our life as an opportunity for initiation. What are You teaching me, God? What are You asking me to do or to let go of? What in my heart are You speaking to?
Originality and creativity are essential to identity and calling. The adventure begins and our real strength is released when we no longer rely on formulas. God is an immensely creative person and He wants His children to live that way too.
God wants us to know that our battles are personal to Him and He will design personal and unique strategies for each battle. The theme of our story is how we become human. What does it mean to become human, be a real man, a real woman?
What must we deal with in order to become ourselves, to grow up?
We can’t be human without God. Human life is a great gift; every part of it is designed by God and therefore means something. Every part of it is blessed by God and therefore is to be enjoyed.
We can refuse to participate in God, act as if He isn’t our designer, provider and covenant presence. But when we refuse, we’re less; our essential humanity is less, our lives are diminished and impoverished.
God-thirst is the most powerful drive in us, stronger than all the drives of sex, power, security and fame put together.
Against all probabilities and despite the opinions of family, friends and enemies, we are chosen, elected by God for His purposes. Once you know who you are, you acquire a God-dominated imagination. You practice the presence of God and His presence captivates your thinking about your responses to life. The most personal, most significant, most human thing we ever do is to believe in and trust in God.
Is your imagination dominated by God or by fear?
Are you going to live out of your God-created, spirit-anointed, God-assigned, God-defined identity or allow the world of circumstance, fear and intimidation to dictate your response to life?
The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
To be God-chosen is to be God-anointed, God-assigned and God-defined.